3D Illustration of Dental Implant

Mini-Implants vs. Full-Size Dental Implants

Dental implants have become the gold standard solution for missing or badly decayed teeth. Dental implants look and function like natural teeth. However, there is not only one type of dental implant that you can choose from. Your dentist will likely evaluate you for both full-size dental implants and mini dental implants. Here are some things to consider about mini and full-size dental implants.

What are Mini Dental Implants?

Mini dental implants are smaller dental implants. Specifically, mini dental implants are smaller in diameter than full-size dental implants. This means that mini implants take up less space and require less healthy gum tissue to place.

Benefits of Mini Dental Implants

There are many benefits to choosing a mini dental implant. These benefits include:

Smaller in Size

Because mini implants are small in size, they can be placed in cases where there isn’t as much healthy gum tissue or bone material available to support a full-size implant. In fact, many dental patients who aren’t candidates for full-size dental implants because of the condition of their mouth could benefit from mini implants for this reason. Standard size dental implants range from 3.5 mm to 6 mm. A mini dental implant is considerably smaller than this.

No Preliminary Treatment

With traditional dental implants, you may be required to undergo a bone graft before the dental implant can be placed. This is to ensure that there is an adequate amount of bone available to support the dental implant. With mini dental implants, most patients do not require a bone graft or the subsequent healing time in order to have the mini dental implant placed. This reduces the number of appointments that you’ll need with your dental provider for the dental implant.

A Single Piece

A full-size dental implant is made up of two pieces. There is a post and an abutment, where the implant connects to the crown. However, mini dental implants consist of only one piece that has the post and an end that connects to a rubber o ring and a crown.

Benefits of Full-size Dental Implants

In many cases, a full-size dental implant is still the best choice. If you’re a good candidate for a full-size dental implant, your dentist or oral surgeon may not even discuss with you the differences between a mini dental implant and a full-size dental implant. Some benefits of traditional dental implants include:

More Stable

Full-size dental implants are larger and often more stable than mini implant posts. This could potentially mean that full-size dental implants will last for longer periods of time than mini implants. Full-size dental implants tend to have better weight distribution and reduce the stress put on your jaw bone without compromising your chewing ability.


With a mini dental implant, the rubber o ring will need to be replaced over time. This is not the case with a full-size dental implant, which could last for a patient’s entire lifetime.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re ready to start your journey to better dental health with a caring and compassionate team in Swansea or North Attleborough, contact 508 Dentist today at 508-336-8478 to schedule your first appointment.